February 25, 2011

I am addicted to reading...

My name is Margo and I am addicted to reading. I have always had a love for reading and well I have to say I have it bad. For me its normal it to have a "to read" pile, so that I never run out of something to read. Though I am pretty sure that most people's "to read" piles don't consist of about 100 books! No I'm not kidding and here is the proof, the "to read" pile by my bed (they aren't all there I do have another stash in the closet lol). I am constantly adding to it as I am taking away from it so it stays pretty much like this all the time.

To help with my addiction I have discovered an amazing site Goodread.com, here I can list and keep track of all the books I have read and plan to read. Plus I can see the reviews that others have given for books that I want to read or find new books to add to the to read pile.

I read every night before bed, its my time to wind down and relax. I have found that I sleep much better when I read before sleep, and after doing some research I have learned that the best way to read is by book light. It helps your mind and body get the message that its time to start to wind down. I don't know about you, but if I don't make sure that I have relaxed before trying to get that beauty sleep my mind just races and I have a hard time falling asleep.

I am thrilled that my kids love to read just as much as I do. A trip to the book store is such a thrill to all of us. Another great site that I like to use is called Paperbackswap.com, here I can post the books that I have read and am ready to pass along and then find others that I would like to read. Its a wonderful way to get rid of some of the books you have laying around and to get some new ones to take their place.



Manni said...

Margo, you are my blog-sister!!!lol!
I love to read as well and I have a LOT!!!
I have the same system of the books that I'm going to read or plan on reading. Also I can be reading 2-3 books at a time!!! I KNOW crazy :)

MFEO2009 said...

just before bed is when i want to turn on the tv and veg out, but reading really does help me sleep better. so true!