August 23, 2011

The project that seems like it's never going to end...Part 2

Let's see, where we last left off with this one was we had gotten the mirrors down and the wall repaired.  Next we took the trim off of the doors and drawers  so they didn't seem so dated. Then it was time to sand them down, which was really fast and easy with my handy hand sander that hubby got me (I love this thing and have thought about painting it pink LOL).

After the first sanding we then puddied all the cracks and dips in the wood which was a little harder then it looked because the wood is so dark. We had to run our hands over the wood several times to find all the spots.

Time to sand again, once those were done it was time to sand the base itself. At this point I highly suggest that you have some tack clothes around for the dust that gets everywhere when you sand, of course it would have been better if we could have done this out side but being attached to the wall makes that a bit difficult. After all the sanding was done it was time to prime everything and then start painting. Oh yeah clean out all the junk that is in there goodness how did that happen!



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